Shamanic cranio healing basics intensive

The Shamanic Cranio Healing training starts with a 6-day immersion in the world of soft touch and deep healing. It’s an invitation to dive in your own processes, “away from the world”, while at the same time learning the basics of Shamanic Cranio Healing from Josine DragonWind.
The first two modules are offered as a whole. Meaning you enroll for both weekends. They already contain a large number of cranio techniques (including the ‘classic’ 10-step plan) with which you can give various deep cranio
sessions. At the same time, it is the basis for and introduction to healing on an energetic level and shamanistic ceremony.
In the first module you will immediately learn some techniques, which you can apply right away. Next to deepening and expanding the techniques, the second module will be more focused on the
energetic and will form the ‘bridge’ to the biodynamic approach in module 3. Module 1 & 2 together form your basis on the technical physical-energetic level. This is really the foundation to be able to build on afterwards and therefore important to practice.
In all these 3 modules, cranio healing is taught from a shamanistic approach.
Module 1: Shamanic Cranio Healing – Basic I Technics (3 days)
Module 2: Shamanic Cranio Healing – Basic II Technics & Energy (3 days)
Module 3: Shamanic Cranio Healing – Basics III Biodynamic approach (3 days)
About Josine DragonWind
Since 1998, the path to deep physical-energetic healing has been unfolding. Until recently she was affiliated with a craniosacral academy as a teacher and examiner, but the time now has come to
integrate all knowledge and experiences of the past 22 years and pass it on in her own way. She started with Western body work, including Massage and Chakra Therapy, and then Cranio
Sacral Therapy. By following intensive shamanic training since 2017, it has become clear to her that everything comes together in what is now taking form as “Shamanic Cranio Healing”.
In these modules Karine Mouflin Diamond Dragonfly will be assisting as where later she’ll be teaching other modules.
Praktische informatie:
Teachers: Josine Wind Dragon (Module 1 & 2) & Karine Diamond Dragonfly (Module 3)
Price: EUR 555 (module 1) (3 days) & EUR 555 (module 2) (3 days)
Lunch & dinner: lunch = 20 EUR/pp/day; dinner = 15 EUR/pp/day
Retreat: Possibility to stay in our home retreat based on donation. Contact us via for your reservation
Dates 2022: September 2-4 (Module 1), July 1-3 or November 11-13 (Module 2) & December 16-18 (Module 3)
Participants: min 8 – max 16
Start: 10h (with the basics intensive module 1 & 2 4 days are included in 3 days so prepare for long intensive teaching days).
Language: Dutch & English
Submit: via “Submit” or You reserve for the first 2 weekends. Submission for the 3rd optional weekend can be done through th website. In case you already did module 1 somewhere else, and you would like to participate for module 2 at Zennergi, please write an email to
Payment: via deposit to reassure your submission. Rest is due in cash on first class day. The account number will be provided in the automatic reponse when subscribed.
Contact: via (bij voorkeur) or +32488473033
Adress Belgium: Brugstraat 30, 3740 Bilzen
Free Parking: zie contactpagina
I met Josine few years ago when she came to my place to treat my partner that has a severe brain damage. Then I followed some of her Cranio Sacral trainings and I also received from her some cranio sacral sessions. She is very open, she listens to your needs and she creates a cozy and safe environment where you can just let everything go. Serena
Voor mij is een opleiding waardevol als ze je eigen proces voeding en ruimte geeft. Ik volgde de Shamanic Cranio Healing Basics en ervaar deze als een enorme verruiming en verdieping. Niet alleen voor wat ik deel in mijn praktijk, maar vooral voor mezelf als mens. Josine neemt je in deze opleiding niet alleen mee doorheen het leren en ervaren van de technieken… Haar Shamanic benadering gaf ook mijn eigen proces en verdieping in mijn bewustzijn alle ruimte en voeding. Dankbaarheid troef Elly
"Josine weet perfect in te tunen waar het lichaam ondersteuning en ruimte nodig heeft. Ik voel me tijdens de sessies gehoord, gezien, gedragen en mijn systeem is altijd weer heel blij als ik geweest ben. Ik heb Shamanic Cranio Healing Basics I & II bij haar gevolgd en met liefde draagt zij de tools over vanuit haar specifieke Cranio vorm. Dankjewel Josine!" Roosmarijn