Illuminated mind of the light healer

During the “Illuminated mind of the light healer” Chief Dancing Thunder will share with you advanced knowledge and ceremonies of the spiritual light healer. Because of the advanced nature of this knowledge this gathering is best suited for all working healers, therapists, healthcare practitioners that have their own practice, and shamanic and spiritual healers.

Every gathering is part of a longterm series of 6 meetings with the purpose of awakening the healers in this great time of awakening. This period is also marked as the “age of the healer”.

The rituals will be following the ancient and universal knowledge of healing with the physical Lightbody of the Healer. This is going to be not only fascinating but intensive as well. Also so you can enjoy yourself, it’s a good idea to be well rested before you join the three days.

Just a note: These three days are not intended for beginning healers or those seeking personal healing. The commitment is join the complete program of 6 weekends.


Practical information:
Teacher: Chief Dancing Thunder
: EUR 450/weekend. You can only enroll in this program with the full commitment towards the 6 weekends.
Dates 2023-2024: November 24-26 (2023), March 29-31 (2024), May 17-19, July 5-7, September 20-22 & November 22-24
Payment: cash
Participants: Min: 16
Start: +- 10h – 19h
Language: English
Submit: via submit or
Contact: via (preferably) or +32488473033
Address: KC, Kanaalstraat 10, Purmerend, The Netherlands

Illuminated mind of the light healer


  Open Time Close Time Trainer Address
20 September 2024 10:00 19:00 Chief Dancing Thunder Kanaalstraat 10, Purmerend, The Netherlands
21 September 2024 10:00 19:00 Chief Dancing Thunder Kanaalstraat 10, Purmerend, The Netherlands
22 September 2024 10:00 19:00 Chief Dancing Thunder Kanaalstraat 10, Purmerend, The Netherlands
22 November 2024 10:00 19:00 Chief Dancing Thunder Kanaalstraat 10, Purmerend, The Netherlands
23 November 2024 10:00 19:00 Chief Dancing Thunder Kanaalstraat 10, Purmerend, The Netherlands
24 November 2024 10:00 19:00 Chief Dancing Thunder Kanaalstraat 10, Purmerend, The Netherlands