Spirit of the Drum

Shaman Wolf Drum will guide you through an intensive 3 day journey with your drum. During the shamanic workshop “Spirit of the drum” you will experience a deeper understanding and connection with your drum’s spirit.  After these 3 days you will work with your drum in a more harmonious and connected way.

The drum as the voice of consciousness
The drum is being used more then 40.000 years as a vehicule for spirit. It is the heartbeat of existence and the voice of consciousness itself.

The drum is a door to unending realities and a way of spirit to bring healing into this physical world and to shape beauty in abundance.

We will work with the ancestors, totems and several medicines, so we can integrate our drum in our daily lives. The teachings will also give you more information on how to use different drums, the effect of different drum sticks and how you can play the drum in various ways.

At the end of this 3 day journey your drum will be initated in various ways and completely awake. The drum will be aligned with your spirit and become a compagnon on your path.

It is required to have an own drum. At zennergi several drums are for sale.

Who is Wolf Drum?
Wolf Drum is a healer and ceremonial leader. He is a person who likes to expands the limits of the impossible. His passion is drumming, he dreams with the wolves and journeys together with people to open up the possibilities of existence. He gives individual healings, leads sweat lodges, organises spiritual travels and trainings. All of these activities are joined hand in hand with incredible sounds and an intensity beyond the “normal” where all that brings live, is awakened.

Since moreover then 10 years he practices shamanism in an intensive way. He is adopted in the Susquehannock tribe and works closely together with the other shamans.

Practical information:
Teacher: Koen Silver Wolf Drum
: EUR 450 (3 days, excl. lunch)
Payment: cash
  January 24-26
Participants: min. 10– max. 18
Start: 10h-17h
Language: English & Dutch
Subscribe: via “Submit” or info@zennergi.com
Level: Beginners & Advanced
Facilities: Changing Room, floor heating, Free Lounge & Tea corner
Extra: Easy Clothing (yoga mats, cushions & pillows are provided)
Doors Open: 30 min. before start, via main entrance (streetside)
Contact: via info@zennergi.com (preferably)
Address: Kanaalstraat 10, 1441 KC Purmerend
Free parking: See contactpage
Hotels: for suggestions see “hotels


Spirit of the Drum


  Open Time Close Time Trainer Address
24 January 2025 10:00 17:00 Koen Wolf Drum Bilzen, Brugstraat 30, Belgium
25 January 2025 10:00 17:00 Koen Wolf Drum Bilzen, Brugstraat 30, Belgium
26 January 2025 10:00 17:00 Koen Wolf Drum Bilzen, Brugstraat 30, Belgium