Awakening The Illuminated Heart (ATIH)

Curious what to expect these 4 days, I stepped into the Zennergi centre and immediately I felt like coming home. Mostly new faces and fellow colleagues, but soon it felt familiar. The journey could begin. It was a roller-coaster of emotions, joy, laughing, pain, dance, self-reflection, awareness, but most of all a deep, strong connection with the whole group. Especially the experience with the pyramide was a deep feeling of releasing old patterns which are pressed on by religion, family-karma, systems of education, politics and so on. This is a movement which is going faster and faster, it can’t be stopped. Thanks Hira for sharing your knowledge, guidance and bringing souls together. Michael thanks for the hospitality, wonderful accommodation and energy yoga. And thanks to the soul-group. 4 wonderful days which I can recommend to experience.