Medicine wheel teachings (1 weekend – 4 days)

During 4 days Shaman Blue Star will take you on a journey through the medicine wheel. Blue Star is a Shaman, medium and Clanmother of the Susquehannock Tribe. After finishing the medicine wheel teachings you will understand why all the ancient people of the earth have been using this incredible instrument for all this time. Through the medicine wheel you will learn to understand who you are and what your highest purpose is, here on earth.

Full interview with Shaman Blue Star about the “Medicine wheel teachings”:

Clanmother and Shaman Blue Star
“Blue Star” is a Shaman, Healer, Medium, story teller and exceptional teacher of Aboriginal & Norht American-Indian spirituality. The traditional name for a shaman is “a person of knowledge”, a person who passes on knowledge.

After many years of traveling throughout Australia Blue Star got adopted by the aboriginals after she also became part of the Susquehannock tribe through Chief Piercing Eyes Penns. After this event she traveled more then &8 years with his successor Chief Dancing Thunder. She obtained a Master degree in Music, invented “Dreamtime Piano Music”, studied psychology, Dream Therapy, Gestallt Therapie and is part of transpersonal healers in the Nederlands. She also is anointed as “International Clan Mother of the Pan American Indian Association”.

Blue Star teaches all over the world to share the sacred rituals passed on to her. She serves spirit by spreading this ancient knowledge and bringing healing. The medicine wheel teachings is part of this knowledge.

Medicine Wheel Teaching
The Medicine Wheel is a tool. An amazing tool to understand the world around you. it looks so simple at first and then, while working with it, it opens and reveals to you the beautiful wisdom of who you are and what you are, and what you are able to perceive.

The Medicine Wheel was used by all Ancient people of the Earth and when you understand it, you understand the ways of connecting your ancestors and yourself through time and space.

These teachings are an opportunity to learn to clarify every aspect of your being into the eternal circle. To open your heart and  mind to the mystical being that you are.

Other Education programs & workshops Blue Star:

Practical information:
Teacher: Shaman Blue Star
: EUR 555
Date: 3-6 september
Participants: min. 8 – max 15
Start: 10h – 17h
Language: English
Payment: deposit to reassure your submission. Rest is due in cash on first class day. The account number will be provided in the automatic reponse when subscribed.
Submit: via “Submit” or
Facilities: changing room, floor heating, Free Lounge & Tea Corner
Extra: Easy Clothing (yoga mats, cushions & pillows are provided)
Doors Open: 30 min. before start, via main entrance (streetside)
Contact: or +32488473033
Address: KC, Kanaalstraat 10, Purmerend, the Nederlands
Free parking
: See contactpage (C.C. De Kimpel, eikenlaan 25)
Hotels: for suggestions see “hotels

Medicine wheel teachings (1 weekend – 4 days)


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