Shamanic Cranio Sacral Healing

Karine is specialist in Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy (BCST) and Trauma Healing.
About Karine
She has studied with Franklyn Sills, pioneer in the field of Craniosacral Biodynamics from Karuna Institute England. Over the years Karine has also collected healing knowledge from various lineages (Shamanic, Tibetan Shindo, Maori Bodywork, Kundalini Yoga) and she is able to combine healing modalities from various traditions depending on the needs of the client. Karine is a long-term shamanic student of Chief Dancing Thunder and regularly participate in Zennergi Dreamtime healing concerts. Karine speaks French and English and currently lives in Amsterdam, NL.
What is Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy?
Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy (BCST) is a gentle yet profound, hands-on treatment for the whole body. Performed on a massage table, the client is fully clothed and the touch is generally light and still. The treatment support the body’s innate ability to balance, restore and heal itself, as well as helping reduce stress and build underlying energy & vitality. The body responds to this sensitive touch by starting to listen to itself. Often people feel like they have been heard and received from a depth unknown to them.
How does it work?
Physically – BCST influences the central nervous system; brain and spinal column, as well as the fluid that bathes it. This fluid is called the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF). From our skeletal system and the bones of the cranium to the ebbing and flowing of our endocrine system, this cranial modality is effective, yet gentle.
Emotionally – Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy can affect very deep and primary patterns, while providing the client with resource and space to explore their emotional landscape. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy provides a deep sense of resourcing within the client. This resourcing provides a safe container for emotional issues to resolve.
Spiritually – Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy can open doors to both our hearts and soul, profoundly changing our lives.
What does it address?
BCST alleviates complaints related to migraine, burn-out, chronic pain (muscular, organs,spine), depression, post-traumatic stress, birth related complications, expression of past unhealed cellular memories, trans-generational issues, regulate shock and traumas and can also be very nurturing & facilitate integration during significant life transition such as pregnancy, start of a new career, going through a divorce, loss of a loved one, recovery after hospitalization or accident.
Check this video to learn more about Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy:
And another video describing the neuroanatomy of the CerebroSpinal Fluid CSF:
Practical information:
Price: EUR 150 (1h30 min), 200 (2u)
Dates: every month Karine will be present (for exact dates see below)
Reservation: via: “contact” mentioning the hour of preference
Address: Brugstraat 30, 3740 Bilzen, Belgium or Kanaalstraat 10, 1441 KE, Purmerend, The Netherlands
Contact: via (preferably) or +32488473033
Free parking: See contactpage( C.C. De Kimpel, eikenlaan 25)
Hotels: for suggestions see “hotels”
After several surgeries and the inevitable anesthesia resulting in physical issues, I tried different treatments. Karine’s Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy was the most effective treatment. Already after the first session I noticed a big improvement. I have had craniosacral therapy before but never with similar results.
I have known Karine for some years now. We first met a couple of years ago in Amsterdam at the Golden Link Kundalini Yoga Centre. Back then I was often leading the early morning practice. Karine would come and join me. We would move, chant and pray together. Mostly in silence, some times we would share about our experiences and challenges. There was a depth in Karine which touched me and when our ways parted she always stayed in my heart. Life brought us together again this spring. Karine offered me a cranio-sacral session at a time when life was pretty turbulent. The moment she opened the door for me I felt her depth again, much deeper even than when we first met as well as an openess to meet me exactely in the place I was: What are we really partaking in here and why? This already felt like a profound healing. I have been in physical pain for many years and I have tried many things and worked with many people with more or less success. Karine dares to be intimate. She has a capacity to gently navigate you to where you need to go in order to dissolve what is in disease. She held me in a vibration where all my fundamental issues had space to surface. I experience our time together as a profoundly healing multi-dimensional sacred body awakening. And I would like to take this opportunity to thank Karine from all my heart for the work she is doing.
I experienced a gentle and profound support, and felt being embraced and moved into well-being thanks to the quality of presence and embodied touch. I greatly recommend cranio sacral sessions with Karine.
“Karine is a very powerful and profound healer, because she combines knowledge with wisdom. Her hands are a touch of purity and deep profound healing. Karine is a wonderful person and a powerful healer, so pure and so real, she is able to connect with the source, a place where everything comes from. She is able to bring you to a beautiful deep space so relaxation will come to you. For the very first time in my life I have experienced my system, my true nature. It was an unforgettable experience, full of intimacy, depth and holiness. Karine made me feel my own system knows how to heal itself. Knows where to go, knows the way. Karine makes it possible because she works like a mirror. Karine is one of the most honest and sincere people I know. She combines her experience with wisdom that is older than her her years running on this earth. She is sincerely interested and has a very big loving heart. Her integrity touches me every time i am with her. She is able to bring me to a place I knew it existed, but had forgotten how to get there. I guess that’s where i come from, it’s called home.”
I had the pleasure to have a few sessions with Karine. If somebody can give me the support to arrive gently in the here and Now without to many words It’s feel like coming home. Karine is a talented therapist who brought me home a few times. That’s all we can support each other in ..Simple …but yet …not so easy ..Thank you Karine for showing new sides of myself I forgot about.
“I had a series of treatments with Karine in different occasions, each time she would access very relevant parts for my healing process; with care and a loving support she let it unfold through my body. I deeply appreciated Karine’s sense and intuition, prior, and after the sessions, so she could clarify for me what was happening and put it in perspective. Thank you Karine for supporting the [re]-connective process to flow again so I can feel more whole. You are a gifted therapist and powerful intuitive healer.”
`In the cranio-sacral therapy sessions I had with Karine I experienced that there is much more to the body than I am consciously aware of. She offered me a caring, safe and yet professional environment to fully meet some stuff that had been blocked for I don’t know how long. Getting rid of that was an intense experience and a huge relief. In my personal path, these sessions helped me to be more centered, more aware of what power we carry within us and more respectful toward my body. I am very grateful for that.’
In the Karine’s Cranio sessions I experienced a lot of openness, stillness and the space to explore, whatever my system wanted to explore, release, digest. Karine offers a clear and caring frame, guiding me through the different phases. I enjoyed every time at the beginning of each session, that she took the time to help me connecting with a resource. That resource functioned as an extra support. Karine also dared to explore places of my system that are not so usual, like for example a release from the inside of the mouth. I felt I totally could and can trust her, even when things get vulnerable or delicate. Next to all the professional skills of Karine, she is just a wonderful, empathetic, loving human being, and definitely also somebody to have a good laugh with!